Low-Dose Imaging of Nanoparticle Chains in Liquid

At the headquarters of Gatan Inc. and in collaboration with Prof. Qian Chen from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Insight Chips met with postdoctoral researcher Zhiheng Lyu to investigate how gold nanoparticles can form chains with the use of polymers in between.

One impressive thing about this video: The dose rate is only 0.5 e Å^-2 s^-1 !

This was made possible with the incredible skills Ben Miller, operating Gatan's own Metro camera.

The video was taken in 340 nm liquid between two membranes of 25 nm SiN - a fairly thick liquid, allowing for the brownian motion of the particles.

Another impressive fact: The preparation of the Nano Channel Chip and holder took about 5 minutes.The rest of the time was spent capturing images and videos at the TEM.