EELS and 4D-STEM in Liquids: Straightforward with Insight Chips!

We're excited to announce that EELS and 4D-STEM are not only possible in liquids but are now simple and highly reproducible. With Insight Chips’ Nano Channel Chips, preparation is a matter of minutes. Our innovative design ensures fixed, precisely determined liquid thickness. In collaboration with Gatan Inc., we demonstrated this breakthrough using a 0.5 mM HAuCl4 solution drop-casted onto our nano-channel chips (liquid thickness: 40 nm, surrounded by 15 nm SiN layers).

Nano Channel Chip Enables EELS in liquids

- DualEELS SI performed on Nano Channel to validate suitability for EELS

- Thickness map shows t < 1.5 IMFP, even post-reaction!

In-Situ EELS Mapping  with 40 nm liquid thickness

Au crystal growth characterized by in-situ counted EELS

- 3000 spectra/sec

- 21 sec per map

In-situ 4D STEM In Liquid

All data is synchronized in DigitalMicrograph with the eaSI 4D-STEM from Gatan.

- 162 4D data cubes were acquired at a rate of 1 cube every 8 seconds

- Max-spot maps produced using Python script to visualize crystalline regions

With the K3 detector from Gatan, the quality of collected data doesn't get better, and with their eaSI software, the results are effortlessly visualized all in one workspace.

Thanks to Ben Miller, Cory Czarnik and Liam Spillane for hosting the workshop to gather these amazing results.

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